Your Secret Is Safe

I've been exploring ChatGPT, and for this experiment, I asked it to create a dramatic encode/decode messaging app complete with an animated twist. It even wrote a fun introduction. I asked for a summary of our conversation and am sharing it below.

Base64 Message Chat

While this is just a toy, the fact that chatGPT was able to code and debug it for me is pretty mind blowing. For the curious, I asked for a summary of the conversation. Here is ChatGPT’s response.

In our conversation, you requested help in creating an interactive chat embedded in a single webpage using inline JavaScript. The chat had to include specific features, such as displaying messages from the bot and user, encoding and decoding base64 messages, and providing an animated display of the encoding and decoding process.

Throughout our conversation, I provided you with multiple iterations of the code as you requested changes and improvements. We encountered a few issues, such as parts of the webpage being hidden and the decoding animation not working as intended. I made the necessary adjustments to the code to resolve these issues.

Additionally, I made the layout more responsive for mobile devices and added the functionality to submit text by pressing the Enter key. By the end of our conversation, we had a working chat interface that met your requirements.