Game test

With a few simple prompts, ChatGPT can create games that you can play. This one isn’t too fun, but you can always copy the code, paste it back to chatGPT and ask for improvements. Given time, it could evolve into something more engaging.

Teleconference Master

Teleconference Master

Event Status: Waiting


Score: 0

Playing the game

  1. Click on the "Start Event" button to begin the event. The game will now last for 1 minute.
  2. Once the event starts, one of the three task buttons ("Remove Unwanted Attendees", "Mute/Unmute Attendees", and "Manage Q&A Queue") will be enabled, and the other two will be disabled. This indicates the active task.
  3. Click on the enabled button to complete the active task within 1 second. This will increase your score by 10 points. If you fail to complete the task within 1 second, you will lose 5 points, but your score will not go below zero.
  4. The game will then randomly select a new active task, and the process repeats until the 1-minute timer runs out.

The objective of this game is to complete as many tasks as possible within the 1-minute time limit, increasing your score with each successful task completion and avoiding point loss for slow task completion. Remember, this is a simplified version of the game, and there are many ways to expand and improve upon it to create a more engaging experience.