Dad Advice — Dadvice GPT

I have started creating a GPT to capture some of the ideas I have tried to share with my kids over the years. I have a lot to add, but it is neat to see my concepts brought together in a concise and immediate way from a GPT. If you are curious, give it a shot. Dadvice GPT

Here’s how ChatGPT summarizes it.

"Dadvice" is a specialized version of ChatGPT, designed to provide concise, insightful advice aimed at children and parents. It focuses on topics relevant to kids like Friendship, Hard Work, and Family. The advice is straightforward and respectful, intended to be easily shareable by parents in a text message format. It uses emoticons for a visual summary and avoids cutesy phrases, allowing parents to add their own tone.

In addition to advice for children, Dadvice also offers suggestions to parents on how to support their child, creating a dual benefit. The style is casual, clear, and pragmatic, drawing primarily from a knowledge source titled "Boundless lessons and stories". This tool adheres strictly to the facts provided in this source, avoiding speculations and favoring this knowledge over other sources. Dadvice is designed to be a practical, helpful tool for both children and parents in navigating everyday challenges and opportunities

Holiday Gift Planner GPT

I was washing dishes this morning and started to think about my shopping list for the holiday gift giving season. With GPTs I created a pretty helpful conversational holiday gift planner that will help me (and you if you want) come up with a shopping list that is deeply personal and thoughtful. I’m calling it Outside the Box.

It works for any subscriber of GPT Plus and is fun to use on your phone. It will remember the conversation and you can pick it back up over the coming weeks to refine your shopping list.

Outside the Box

Gift Creatively: Unbox Imagination.

Your Secret Is Safe

I've been exploring ChatGPT, and for this experiment, I asked it to create a dramatic encode/decode messaging app complete with an animated twist. It even wrote a fun introduction. I asked for a summary of our conversation and am sharing it below.

Base64 Message Chat

While this is just a toy, the fact that chatGPT was able to code and debug it for me is pretty mind blowing. For the curious, I asked for a summary of the conversation. Here is ChatGPT’s response.

In our conversation, you requested help in creating an interactive chat embedded in a single webpage using inline JavaScript. The chat had to include specific features, such as displaying messages from the bot and user, encoding and decoding base64 messages, and providing an animated display of the encoding and decoding process.

Throughout our conversation, I provided you with multiple iterations of the code as you requested changes and improvements. We encountered a few issues, such as parts of the webpage being hidden and the decoding animation not working as intended. I made the necessary adjustments to the code to resolve these issues.

Additionally, I made the layout more responsive for mobile devices and added the functionality to submit text by pressing the Enter key. By the end of our conversation, we had a working chat interface that met your requirements.

Game test

With a few simple prompts, ChatGPT can create games that you can play. This one isn’t too fun, but you can always copy the code, paste it back to chatGPT and ask for improvements. Given time, it could evolve into something more engaging.

Teleconference Master

Teleconference Master

Event Status: Waiting


Score: 0

Playing the game

  1. Click on the "Start Event" button to begin the event. The game will now last for 1 minute.
  2. Once the event starts, one of the three task buttons ("Remove Unwanted Attendees", "Mute/Unmute Attendees", and "Manage Q&A Queue") will be enabled, and the other two will be disabled. This indicates the active task.
  3. Click on the enabled button to complete the active task within 1 second. This will increase your score by 10 points. If you fail to complete the task within 1 second, you will lose 5 points, but your score will not go below zero.
  4. The game will then randomly select a new active task, and the process repeats until the 1-minute timer runs out.

The objective of this game is to complete as many tasks as possible within the 1-minute time limit, increasing your score with each successful task completion and avoiding point loss for slow task completion. Remember, this is a simplified version of the game, and there are many ways to expand and improve upon it to create a more engaging experience.

Faster prototypes and workflows

To me, advances in low fidelity prototyping and production tools is as revolutionary and exciting as the latest VR headset.  It means that content creation is becoming more accessible and affordable… which will result in more great content created by hobbyists, amateurs and small creative shops.

As a hobbyist, I’ve been thrilled to discover that I can prototype complex workflows and experiences with Apple Shortcuts on my phone while riding the train to work.

As an example, I created this shortcut to track interesting locations for a story. It’s not sexy, but it gets the job done quickly.

Try it out


AI Powered Long Exposure

Spectre Camera is a new tool for storytellers that deploys AI smarts to the creation of long exposure shots and to removing moving subjects from crowded photos.

I’ve always enjoyed long exposure photography and was excited to try it myself using Spectre Camera. This iOS app uses AI to remove moving objects from a scene or create fun long exposure photos.

In this gif, I simply moved an LED candle behind the bottle to give it a sunrise effect — illustrating how it feels when I drink coffee. You can see the blur of the candle stick on the right hand side. As always, more effort would have yielded better results.

animated 10.GIF

What is the AR Cloud?

The AR Cloud is a vision of an incredibly detailed and every changing map of the world that will enable massive shared augmented experiences. Imagine a remake of Godzilla, as he crashes through the city, viewers wearing AR glasses will see the same story unfolding at the same time, but from their own perspective.

This article has a more detailed definition. ARKit and ARCore will not usher massive adoption of mobile AR

Image Credit: Noger Chen.

Image Credit: Noger Chen.