Boundless Ink

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The premier of Kraken Rising

Illustrated by Anna Basova

Really wish you could see this place! 

Rosey and I took Tuesday off for the premiere of Kraken Rising AR. First, we headed out early for a pint at the Irish pub where they’ve been hyping the event for over a month.

When we got inside, we put on our AR glasses and saw the bartender transform into a beautiful mermaid. She winked at us with a half-smile like she had been waiting all along for us to see her new look.

She set her Absolut® Sea Breeze on the bar and said with excitement “All right guys, it’s about to start. You better get out there or you’ll miss all the action.”

Outside, we saw the Kraken, a giant octopus, scaling the side of a tall building and showering the city with inky poison. We dove for cover under a nearby awning, the poison landing in smoking splats all around us. I couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous we must have looked to people who didn’t have their AR glasses on.

I won’t spoil it for you with more details, but man what a rush!