Boundless Ink

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Postcards from the future

What is your vision of the future?

Predicting the future is hard… but lots of fun. We would love to hear your ideas, no matter how outlandish.  I’ll curate the submissions for readers of Boundless.Ink and have the best one illustrated in the style of the postcard above and mail it to the winner.

Submissions should be brief enough to fit on a postcard.  We think of storytelling broadly, including; news, fiction, games, experiences, marketing and advertising.  In fact, feel free to push the boundaries.  It’s kind of the whole point.

This example might help you get started:

Hello from the future!  You won’t believe this.  Last night I was watching Jumanji MR with some friends at the local pub.  Suddenly, we heard screaming behind us and turned just in time to see a rhino crashing through the window. It was so real, my friend knocked over his beer trying to get out of the way.

Send Your Postcard!

See this form in the original post